Spay & Neuter programs


When Lanta Animal Welfare started in 2005 our goal was to stop the suffering of the homeless, abused and injured stray animals on Koh Lanta. We believe that spaying and neutering is the only humane and truly efficient way of reducing the number of unwanted dogs and cats in the long run.

The locals have their own methods of population control. Often these are incredibly cruel ones, such as putting fish hooks in the animals’ food, poisoning, shooting, stabbing or drowning them. Sometimes puppies and kittens are left on the main road to be run over or left on a cliff in the sea as the high tide is coming in.

So we don’t only take care of the animals but we also inform and educate people of the better alternative to all these cruel methods: spaying and neutering. As of December 2012 we have sterilized and treated more than 6,000 animals.

Because we think it is of utter importance that people choose to sterilize animals,  we keep the prices for these procedures very low. Our costs are still the same though. We still need to pay the vet. We need food and medicine for the animals, medical equipment, gas for the car etc…

We depend on donations to keep up our good work, so please support us!